
Literature Review Topic Proposal

Introduction The topic that will be researched in a literature review is year-round schooling. This is a fairly specific topic under the category of changes to the schooling system, in which instead of holding school from August/September to May/June, the system would be modified to have it year-round with periodic breaks in between quarters of schooling. This is an interesting area of study since educators try to evaluate all the ways that the school system could be better and more efficient; this idea of year-round schooling has been tested and researched by schools already, and it is a possibility that more could adapt to it in the future. Sources

Main Speech #1 Outline

Introduction Hook) Christmas is quite a magical time for some when it comes to the atmosphere, music, and togetherness. We all know that this time is also known as the "holiday of giving." Thesis Statement) There are many attributes of the commercial that make it effective. Purpose --> To draw the emotions, both happy and sad, of the viewers in order to buy and remember the product 1) The expressions on Santa and the reindeers' faces and their actions draw to the emotional appeals 2) The ultimate compromise of Santa finally feeding the reindeer make the viewers happy 3) The background music, atmosphere, and movie-like cinematography contribute, as well Effectiveness --> To grow brand recognition and sell their new, limited product 1) The purpose is successful at what it intends to do 2) The target audience is everyone, but specifically children since the product is served with kids meals 3) Overall, the commercial reminds everyone that it's...

Main Speech #1 Commercial

Commercial: The commercial featured was a 2018 ad for McDonald's around Christmastime that was set up to promote a new, limited product that the franchise was selling, which I thought was very effective. Upon first glimpse, the commercial seems very well put together, as if it is straight out of an animated movie. Some emotion is felt when the reindeer whimper, looking for something to eat. When Santa Claus comes to the realization that his hardworking reindeer are tired and hungry, Santa stops at a nearby McDonald's to get their new "Reindeer Treats," which are carrots that are offered with Kids Meals. The commercial has an emotional appeal set up to make the viewers feel something when they watch it, which better helps to remember it and the McDonald's franchise attributed to it. The target audience seems to specifically be children who would be a part of the majority of people who would buy the product. I noticed t...

Major Writing 1 Review

Insert Review here:

AR Sample Papers Strengths & Weaknesses

Sample Paper 1 Strengths: 1) The writer finds success with their use of sources because they accurately portray each topic that is covered 2) The structure of the paper is designed well, simply sticking to the three main points' body paragraphs from the thesis 3) The APA format and overall grammar of the paper is correct Weaknesses: 1) The paper, especially near the end of the main body paragraphs lacks extensive analysis; the paragraphs tend to end off with one quick line of analysis 2) The writer doesn't attempt to tie in rhetorical devices like tone, voice, or word choice, which could help strengthen the paper more 3) Relating writing conventions to topics such as author, topic, audience, and genre is somewhat absent Sample Paper 2 Strengths: 1) The author does touch on the differences between academic and nonacademic writing 2) Voice is briefly written about in the paper, which is great for touching on the rhetorical elements predominantly found in their res...

Major Writing #1 Sources

List of Writings: 1) "Defending the Cyber Realm" 2) "Living Robots Built Using Frog Cells" 3) "Finding Informative Comments For Video Viewing" 1) "Defending the Cyber Realm" is an evaluative and informative paper about the risk of cyber attacks on national infrastructures and how they may be utilized as a platform for coordinated attacks by countless foreign terrorist groups. I will use this example as means to emphasize the importance of presenting facts about what is being analyzed. The use of quotations here also promotes this idea and adds credibility to the author's paper. The author also follows the "they say, I say" format at times, which is rhetorically successful for a paper like this, since the author accurately describes ...


Similarities 1) Both have a page number 2) Full name is included in the header 3) Both are double spaced 4) The heading is centered 5) 1" from the bottom/sides of page Differences 1) Headings are different(APA: title, name, school MLA: name, teacher, subject, date) 2) APA format has a title page 3) Abstract included in APA 4) Author's full name cited in MLA; author's last name in APA 5) APA includes the date of the citation in the source